We hope you’ll be able to join us at one, or more, of them.

Services for Sunday 20th October

Clehonger10.30amHarvest Festival
Ewyas Harold10.30amCafe Church
Vowchurch10.30amHoly Communion
Cusop11.00amHoly Communion
Craswall11.00amHarvest Festival and lunch
Walterstone11.00amHarvest Holy Communion
Dore Abbey4.00pmHarvest Festival and tea
Dorstone4.00pmHarvest Music service with bring and share ploughman's tea
Kingstone4.00pmHoly Communion
St Devereux6.30pmHoly Communion

Services for Sunday 27th October

Allensmore10.30am Holy Communion
Dore Abbey10.30amBenefice Service Holy Communion (BCP)
Peterchurch10.30amCeltic Communion
Tyberton10.30amCeltic Morning Prayer
Cusop11.00amMorning Worship
Clodock11.00amHoly Communion
Preston-on -Wye11.15amHoly Communion (BCP)
Bredwardine2.00pmReflective Ramble
Kingstone4.00pmEvening Prayer (BCP)

We will present options for reorganising benefice boundaries across the deanery, and also feedback from the review of the deanery plan.  A document has been prepared by the Joint Council which will form the basis of the discussion at The Gathering.  Please attend this Gathering and encourage others to come along too. To access the document please click here